Found a ton of gameshark codes, tried some but not all of them, enjoy.

Pokemon Yellow » Introduction » Gameshark » Gyms & Elites » Starters » Surfing Pikachu: Other Games. POKEMON RED AND BLUE GAMESHARK CODES. Warning: These codes may erase your save game. Catch any Pokemon 01xxD8CF Pokemon List. Starting Pokemon Modifier. Pokemon TCG ©1999-2003 Wizards of the Coast ©2003-2020 Wizards of the.

Buy Master Balls For Free 01017CCF
All Pokemon On Your Team Look Like Mew, In Battle 0115d8cf
Make Your Opponent Pokemon Burn and Sleep 0115e8cf
Catch Wild Articuno 014ad7cf
Catch Wild Zapdos 014bd7cf
Catch WIld Motres 0149d7cf
Catch Wild Dratini 0158d7cf
Catch Wild Dragonair 0159d7cf
Catch Wild Dragonite 0142d7cf
Catch Wild Mewtwo 0183d7cf
Catch Wild Mew 0115d7cf
Catch a Pokemon at Level 5 010526d1
Catch a Pokemon at Level 10 010a26d1
Catch a Pokemon at Level 15 010f26d1
Catch a Pokemon level 20 011426D1
Catch a Pokemon level 25 011926D1
Catch a Pokemon level 30 011E26D1
Catch a Pokemon level 35 012326D1
Catch a Pokemon level 40 012826D1
Catch a Pokemon level 45 012D26D1
Catch a Pokemon level 50 013226D1
Catch a Pokemon level 75 014B26D1
Catch a Pokemon level 100 016426D1
Catch a Pokemon level 150 019626D1
Catch a Pokemon level 190 01BE26D1
Catch Wild Gyarados 0116d7cf
Catch Wild Lapras 0113d7cf
Catch Wild Ditto 014cd7cf
Catch Wild Eevee 0166d7cf
Catch Wild Vaporeon 0169d7cf
Catch Wild Jolteon 0168d7cf
Catch Wild Flareon 0167d7cf
Catch Wild Porygon 01aad7cf
Catch Wild Omanytle 0162d7cf
Catch Wild Omanyte 0162d7cf
Catch Wild Omastar 0163d7cf
Catch Wild Majikarp 0185d7cf
Catch WIld Kabuto 015ad7cf
Catch Wild Kabutops 015bd7cf
Catch Wild Aerodactyl 01abd7cf
Catch WIld Snorlax 0184d7cf
Catch Wild Hitmonlee 012bd7cf
Catch Wild Hitmonchan 012cd7cf
Marowak 0191d7cf
Catch Wild Lickitung 010bd7cf
Catch WIld Koffing 0137d7cf
Catch WIld Weezing 018fd7cf
Catch Wild Rhyhorn 0112d7cf
Catch Wild Rhydon 0101d7cf
Catch Wild Chansey 0128d7cf
Catch Wild Tangela 011ed7cf
Catch Wild Kangaskhan 0102d7cf
Catch Wild Horsea 015cd7cf
Catch Wild Seadra 015dd7cf
Catch Wild Goldeen 019dd7cf
Catch Wild Seaking 019ed7cf
Catch Wild Staru 011bd7cf
Catch Wild Starmie 0198d7cf
Catch Wild Mr. Mime 012ad7cf
Catch Wild Scyther 011ad7cf
Catch WIld Jynx 0148d7cf
Catch Wild Electabuzz 0135d7cf
Catch WIld Magmar 0133d7cf
Catch Wild Magmar 0133d7cf
Catch Wild Pinsir 011dd7cf
Catch Wild Tauros 013cd7cf
Catch Wild Seel 013ad7cf
Catch Wild Drowzee 0130d7cf
Catch Wild Dewgong 0178d7cf
Catch Wild Grimer 010dd7cf
Catch Wild Muk 0188d7cf
Catch Wild Shellder 0117d7cf
Catch Wild Cloyster 018bd7cf
Catch Wild Gastly 0119d7cf
Catch Wild Haunter 0193d7cf
Catch Wild Krabby 014edd7cf
Catch Wild Gengar 010ed7cf
Catch Wild Onix 0122d7cf
Catch Wild Hypno..

continue →

Found a ton of gameshark codes, tried some but not all of them, enjoy.

Buy Master Balls For Free 01017CCF
All Pokemon On Your Team Look Like Mew, In Battle 0115d8cf
Make Your Opponent Pokemon Burn and Sleep 0115e8cf
Catch Wild Articuno 014ad7cf
Catch Wild Zapdos 014bd7cf
Catch WIld Motres 0149d7cf
Catch Wild Dratini 0158d7cf
Catch Wild Dragonair 0159d7cf
Catch Wild Dragonite 0142d7cf
Catch Wild Mewtwo 0183d7cf
Catch Wild Mew 0115d7cf
Catch a Pokemon at Level 5 010526d1
Catch a Pokemon at Level 10 010a26d1
Catch a Pokemon at Level 15 010f26d1
Catch a Pokemon level 20 011426D1
Catch a Pokemon level 25 011926D1
Catch a Pokemon level 30 011E26D1
Catch a Pokemon level 35 012326D1
Catch a Pokemon level 40 012826D1
Catch a Pokemon level 45 012D26D1
Catch a Pokemon level 50 013226D1
Catch a Pokemon level 75 014B26D1
Catch a Pokemon level 100 016426D1
Catch a Pokemon level 150 019626D1
Catch a Pokemon level 190 01BE26D1
Catch Wild Gyarados 0116d7cf
Catch Wild Lapras 0113d7cf
Catch Wild Ditto 014cd7cf
Catch Wild Eevee 0166d7cf
Catch Wild Vaporeon 0169d7cf
Catch Wild Jolteon 0168d7cf
Catch Wild Flareon 0167d7cf
Catch Wild Porygon 01aad7cf
Catch Wild Omanytle 0162d7cf
Catch Wild Omanyte 0162d7cf
Catch Wild Omastar 0163d7cf
Catch Wild Majikarp 0185d7cf
Catch WIld Kabuto 015ad7cf
Catch Wild Kabutops 015bd7cf
Catch Wild Aerodactyl 01abd7cf
Catch WIld Snorlax 0184d7cf
Catch Wild Hitmonlee 012bd7cf
Catch Wild Hitmonchan 012cd7cf
Marowak 0191d7cf
Catch Wild Lickitung 010bd7cf
Catch WIld Koffing 0137d7cf
Catch WIld Weezing 018fd7cf
Catch Wild Rhyhorn 0112d7cf
Catch Wild Rhydon 0101d7cf
Catch Wild Chansey 0128d7cf
Catch Wild Tangela 011ed7cf
Catch Wild Kangaskhan 0102d7cf
Catch Wild Horsea 015cd7cf
Catch Wild Seadra 015dd7cf
Catch Wild Goldeen 019dd7cf
Catch Wild Seaking 019ed7cf
Catch Wild Staru 011bd7cf
Catch Wild Starmie 0198d7cf
Catch Wild Mr. De la soul art official intelligence zip line. Mime 012ad7cf
Catch Wild Scyther 011ad7cf
Catch WIld Jynx 0148d7cf
Catch Wild Electabuzz 0135d7cf
Catch WIld Magmar 0133d7cf
Catch Wild Magmar 0133d7cf
Catch Wild Pinsir 011dd7cf
Catch Wild Tauros 013cd7cf
Catch Wild Seel 013ad7cf
Catch Wild Drowzee 0130d7cf
Catch Wild Dewgong 0178d7cf
Catch Wild Grimer 010dd7cf
Catch Wild Muk 0188d7cf
Catch Wild Shellder 0117d7cf
Catch Wild Cloyster 018bd7cf
Catch Wild Gastly 0119d7cf
Catch Wild Haunter 0193d7cf
Catch Wild Krabby 014edd7cf
Catch Wild Gengar 010ed7cf
Catch Wild Onix 0122d7cf
Catch Wild Hypno 0181d7cf
Catch Wild Kinger 018ad7cf
Catch Wild Voltorb 0106d7cf
Catch WIld Electrode 018dd7cf
Catch Wild Exeggcute 010cd7cf
Catch WIld Exeggutor 010ad7cf
Catch Wild Cubone 0111d7cf
Catch Wild Slowbro 0108d7cf
Catch Wild Magnemite 01add7cf
Catch Wild Magneton 0136d7cf
Catch Wild Farfetch'd 0140d7cf
Catch Wild Doduo 0146d7cf
Catch Wild Dodrio 0174d7cf
Catch Wild Slowpoke 0125d7cf
Catch Wild Primeape 0175d7cf
Catch Wild Growlithe 0121d7cf
Catch Wild Arcanine 0114d7cf
Catch Wild Poliwag 0147d7cf
Catch Wild Poliwhirl 016ed7cf
Catch Wild Poliwrath 016fd7cf
Catch Wild Abra 0194d7cf
Catch Wild Kadabra 0126d7cf
Catch Wild Alakazam 0195d7cf
Catch Wild Machop 016ad7cf
Catch Wild Machoke 0129d7cf
Catch Wild Machamp 017ed7cf
Catch Wild Bellsprout 01bcd7cf
Catch Wild Weepinbell 01bdd7cf
Catch Wild Victreebell 01bed7cf
Catch Wild Mankey 0139d7cf
Catch Wild Tentacool 0118d7cf
Catch Wild Tentacruel 019bd7cf
Catch Wild Geodude 01a9d7cf
Catch Wild Graveler 0127d7cf
Catch Wild Golem 0131d7cf
Catch Wild Ponyta 01a3d7cf
Catch Wild Rapidash 01a4d7cf
Catch Wild Parasect 012ed7cf
Catch Wild Venonat 0141d7cf
Catch Wild Venamoth 0177d7cf
Catch Wild Diglett 013bd7cf
Catch Wild Dugtrio 0176d7cf
Catch Wild Meowth 014dd7cf
Catch Wild Persian 0190d7cf
Catch Wild Psyduck 012fd7cf
Catch Wild Golduck 0180d7cf
Catch Wild Vulpix 0152d7cf
Catch Wild Ninetales 0153d7cf
Catch Wild Jigglypuff 0164d7cf
Catch WIld Wigglypuff 0165d7cf
Catch Wild Zubat 016bd7cf
Catch Wild Golbat 0182d7cf
Catch Wild Oddish 01b9d7cf
Catch Wild Gloom 01bad7cf
Catch Wild Vileplume 01bbd7cf
Catch Wild Paras 016dd7cf
Catch Wild Clefable 018ed7cf
Catch Wild Butterfree 017dd7cf
Catch Wild Weedle 0170d7cf
Catch Wild Kakuna 0171d7cf
Catch Wild Beedrill 0172d7cf
Catch Wild Pidgey 0124d7cf
Catch Wild Pidgeotto 0196d7cf
Catch Wild Pidgeot 0197d7cf
Catch Wild Rattata 01a5d7cf
Catch Wild Raticate 01a6d7cf
Catch Wild Spearow 0105d7cf
Catch Wild Fearow 0123d7cf
Catch Wild Ekans 016cd7cf
Catch Wild Arbok 012dd7cf
Catch Wild Pikachu 0154d7cf
Catch Wild Raichu 0155d7cf
Catch Wild Sandshrew 0160d7cf
Catch Wild Sandslash 0161d7cf
Catch Wild Nidoran 010fd7cf
Catch Wild Nidorina 01a8d7cf
Catch Wild NidoQueen 0110d7cf
Catch Wild Nidoran (male) 0103d7cf
Caych Wild Nidorino (male) 01a7d7cf
Catch Wild NidoKing 0107d7cf
Catch Wild Clefairy 0104d7cf
Surfing Pikachu Unlock Sufing Pikachu without having to use Pokemon Stadium. Be sure to place Pikachu in the first position 013972d1
013974d 1
Catch Wild Bulbasaur 0199d7cf
Catch Wild Ivysaur 0109d7cf
Catch Wild Venusaur 019ad7cf
Catch Wild Charmander 01b0d7cf
Catch Wid Charmeleon 01b2d7cf
Catch Wild Charizard 01b4d7cf
Catch Wild Squirtle 01b1d7cf
Catch Wild Wartortle 01b3d7cf
Catch Wild Blastoise 011cd7cf
Catch Wild Caterpie 017bd7cf
Catch Wild Metapod 017cd7cf
Flying Pikachu with Balloons 013f99d4
Surfing Pikachu 013973d1
Start with a Charizard 01B41ED1
Infinite PP (4th Position) 01282fd0
Enemy Can't Attack and Burned at Beginning of Match 0170e8cf
Infinite Money 019946d3
019948d 3
Have All Badges 01ff55d3
Protect Status 010017d0
Never Miss and Have More Criticals 01ffd5cf
No Random Battles 01033bd1
Infinite Casino Coins 0199a3d5
Infinit e Time (Safari Zone) 01f00dd7
Infinite Safari Balls 016446da
Float On Air 010a13d7
Pacific Pikachu 013972d1
Infinit e HP(in Battle) 01ff15do
Infinite PP (1st Position) 01282cd0
Infinite PP (2nd Position) 01282dd0
Infinite PP (3rd Position) 01282ed0