Tool to decrypt/encrypt MD5 automatically. MD5 hash of a data is a footprint of 32 characters which can identify the initial data. Hash functions are used in computers and cryptography.

Cracking MD5 Hash Algorithm: In 1996, World comest to know that there are some flaws in MD5 HASH Algorithm. Cryptographers began recommending the use of other algorithms, such as SHA-1 (which has since been found also to be vulnerable).

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Answers to Questions

How to encrypt in MD5?

MD5hash calculates from binary data a numeric footprint of 32 hexadecimal characters. The algorithm uses non linear function, here are the 4 main ones:

$$ F(B,C,D) = (Bwedge{C}) vee (neg{B} wedge{D}) $$

$$ G(B,C,D) = (Bwedge{D}) vee (C wedge neg{D}) $$

$$ H(B,C,D) = B oplus C oplus D $$

$$ I(B,C,D) = C oplus (B vee neg{D}) $$

Example: dCode is crypted e9837d47b610ee29399831f917791a44 it is not the same hash for dcode (without uppercase) which gives a9d3d129549e80065aa8e109ec40a7c8

How to decrypt MD5 cipher?

The MD5 is based on non-linear (and sometimes non-reversible) functions, so there is no decryption method.

However, a stupid and brute method, the most basic but also the longest and most costly method, is to test one by one all the possible words in a given dictionary to check if their fingerprint is the matching one.

dCode uses its databases of words (2 million potential passwords) whose MD5hash has already been pre-calculated. These tables are called rainbow tables.

If a word is not in the dictionary, then the decryption will fail.

How to recognize MD5 ciphertext?

The hash is composed of 32 hexadecimal characters 0123456789abcdef, so 128 bits.

What is a MD5 collision?

Statistically speaking, for any string (and there is an infinite number), the MD5 associates for a given value a 128-bit fingerprint (a finite number of possibilities). It is therefore mandatory that there are collisions (2 strings with the same hash). Several research works on the subject have demonstrated that the MD5 algorithm, although creating a large entropy of data, could be attacked, and that it was possible to generate chains with the same fingerprints (after several hours of neat calculations).

Example: Discovered by Wang & Yu in How to break MD5 and other hash functions, the two hexadecimal values (the values and not the ASCII string) 4dc968ff0ee35c209572d4777b721587d36fa7b21bdc56b74a3dc0783e7b9518afbfa200a8284bf36e8e4b55b35f427593d849676da0d1555d8360fb5f07fea24dc968ff0ee35c209572d4777b721587d36fa7b21bdc56b74a3dc0783e7b9518afbfa202a8284bf36e8e4b55b35f427593d849676da0d1d55d8360fb5f07fea2 have the same hash: '008ee33a9d58b51cfeb425b0959121c9 (they only have 8 different hexadecimal digits)

Since this publication in 2005, MD5 encryption is no longer considered cryptographically, giving way to its successors: SHA1 then SHA256.

What are the variants of the MD5 cipher?

The MD5 is threatened by the growing computing capabilities of supercomputers and processors capable of parallelizing hash functions. Thus, to complicate the search by the rainbow tables (databases), it is recommended to add salt (a prefix or a suffix) to the password. In this way, the precalculated tables must be calculated again to take account of the salt which systematically modifies all the fingerprints.

Example: MD5(dCode) = e9837d47b610ee29399831f917791a44 but MD5(dCodeSUFFIX) = 523e9a807fc1d2766c3e3d8f132d4991

Another variant is the application of DOUBLE MD5, which consists in applying the hash algorithm twice.

Example: MD5(dCode) = e9837d47b610ee29399831f917791a44 but MD5(MD5(dCode)) = c1127c7b6fdcafd97a96b37eaf035eaf

MD5 is not the only hash function, it also exists SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 etc.

What does MD5 means?

When MD5 have been invented?

Source code

dCode retains ownership of the source code of the script MD5 online. Except explicit open source licence (indicated Creative Commons / free), any algorithm, applet, snippet, software (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, translator), or any function (convert, solve, decrypt, encrypt, decipher, cipher, decode, code, translate) written in any informatic langauge (PHP, Java, C#, Python, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) which dCode owns rights will not be released for free. To download the online MD5 script for offline use on PC, iPhone or Android, ask for price quote on contact page !

Questions / Comments

Enter md5 hash to decrypt above.

What is Hash Toolkit?

Decrypt password hashes super fast with Hash Toolkit. You can decode hashes into the original text. You also can generate hashes using different algorithms. Hashes are used for many applications like security, authentication and passwords.

Is it possible to decode a hash?

Hash functions are built in a way that it's very easy to generate a hash / fingerprint for a text, but almost impossible to decode the hash back to the original text.

What is a Hash?

A hash, or hash function is a function that can be used to convert data of any size to a much smaller size. It's like a fingerprint of the data. The result of a hash function are called hash code, digest, hash value or simply hash. If the data changes just a little bit, the resulting hash will change completely.
Until now it was very difficult to reconstruct data just from the hash value. Hash Toolkit has built a giant database of precomputed inputs and their corresponding hashes. With that database it is possible to reverse / decrypt / reconstruct a hash into it's initial form in super fast way.
More information can be found in here: Hash function.

In cryptography, a hash function is a algorithm that is mapping data of any size to a string of a fixed size. The input is called message or simply input string. The fixed-size string function output is known as the hash or the message digest. Hash functions used in cryptography have the following key properties:

  • It's simple, easy and practical (fast) to compute the hash, but 'difficult or impossible to re-generate the original input if only the hash value is known.'
  • It's difficult to create an initial input that would match a specific desired output.
Therefore hashing is a One way mechanism: The data that was hashed can not be reversed practically or be 'unhashed'.

What hashes does Hash Toolkit support?

We support md5 hash, sha1 hash, sha256 hash, sha384 hash, sha512 hash and many more. Hash Toolkit is adding new hash types regularly.

What can I do with hashes?

  • Integrity: Hashes are used to make sure that a message or file has not been changed during transfer.
  • Authentication: Hashes are used in authentication protocols to make sure that passwords are not stored in plain text. Instead only the hash of the password is stored in the database. As part of the authentication process the password in plain text is hashed using a hash function. The output is then compared with the previously hashed value in the database. If both hashes are the same, the user entered the correct password.
  • Security: During a 'data breach', so the unintentional release of secure or private/confidential information, in most cases passwords, hashes are often released into the public.
  • Safety: To make sure your own password is save, try to reverse your own password with HashToolKit. DO ONLY USE YOUR OWN PASSWORDS.